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Fall in a sentence

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Sentence count:227+78Posted:2016-07-24Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: autumndefeatdescenddestroydrophairpiecelapseoverthrowplungeruinsliptumblewigSimilar words: fall tofall forfall intobest of allfall underfall behindfall in lovefirst of allMeaning: [fɔːl]  n. 1. the season when the leaves fall from the trees 2. a sudden drop from an upright position 3. the lapse of mankind into sinfulness because of the sin of Adam and Eve 4. a downward slope or bend 5. a lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity 6. a sudden decline in strength or number or importance 7. a movement downward 8. the act of surrendering (under agreed conditions) 9. the time of day immediately following sunset 10. when a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the mat 11. a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity 12. a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity. v. 1. descend in free fall under the influence of gravity 2. move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way 3. pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind 4. come under, be classified or included 5. fall from clouds 6. suffer defeat, failure, or ruin 7. decrease in size, extent, or range 8. die, as in battle or in a hunt 9. touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly 10. be captured 11. occur at a specified time or place 12. yield to temptation or sin 13. lose office or power 14. to be given by assignment or distribution 15. move in a specified direction 16. be due 17. lose one's chastity 18. to be given by right or inheritance 19. come into the possession of 20. fall to somebody by assignment or lot 21. be inherited by 22. slope downward 23. lose an upright position suddenly 24. drop oneself to a lower or less erect position 25. fall or flow in a certain way 26. assume a disappointed or sad expression 27. be cast down 28. come out; issue 29. be born, used chiefly of lambs 30. begin vigorously 31. go as if by falling 32. come as if by falling. 
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181. He won't listen to any suggestion that doesn't fall in with his scheme.
182. He visited me twice that fall and called me on the telephone often.
183. Street children in this part of the world often fall prey to drug dealers.
184. How could she have been so foolish as to fall in love with him?
185. When does the rent fall due?
186. She's modeling Donna Karan's fall collection.
187. That debate led to the government's fall.
188. These matters do not fall within our jurisdiction.
189. What heading do these items fall under?
190. Don't fall for his tricks.
191. Babies often fall down when they learn to walk.
192. These items should fall under this head.
193. Ashes from the volcano fall over a wide area.
194. The chemotherapy made her hair fall out.
195. Computer viruses fall into three broad categories.
196. The walls were substantial and did not fall.
197. Students over 25 fall into a different category .
198. The opinion polls show a significant fall in her popularity.
199. Since the fall of the government, the two opposition parties have been jostling for position.
200. The days/nights are closing in now that autumn/fall is here.
201. Economic forecasters think that the stock market is set to fall.
202. She's completely homeless at least I have my parents to fall back on.
203. Lack of confidence in the company manifested itself in a fall in the share price.
204. These disputes fall within the scope of the local courts.
205. I didn't want to fall into the same snare again.
206. The play was about the fall of an honest man.
207. Police fear that more pensioners could fall prey to the thieves.
208. The Finance Minister's fall from grace gave the tabloid press great satisfaction.
209. The planting season is in spring[], with harvest in the fall.
210. The little boy was hurt by the fall, but he was game enough to get up and try again.
More similar words: fall tofall forfall intobest of allfall underfall behindfall in lovefirst of allfall back onfall throughfall in love with
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